A cubic centimetre is a measure of volume. For example: a cube measuring 1cm x 1cm x 1cm = 1 cubic centimetre.
Divide the cm by 100 For example, 1cm = 0.01m
The question cannot be answered because volume is a measure in 3-dimensional space and requires three measures. There are only two given in the question.
I'm not sure if this helps but in physics if I say that something is 1cm long it could be 0.1cm long or 1.9cm long. If I say that something is 1.00cm long or means I have a ruler that measures mm. So the amount of decimal places indicates the precision of the measurement. Hope this helps
1cm = 10mm. So 14mm > 1cm.
8 cubic centimetre
The metric unit that measures the length of your finger is typically in centimeters (cm).
There is not enough information. For example, if the box measures 4 cm * 0.5 cm * 0.5 cm then no cube will fit in it.
A cubic centimetre is a measure of volume. For example: a cube measuring 1cm x 1cm x 1cm = 1 cubic centimetre.
An object that measures 50mm is equal to 5 centimeters (1cm = 10mm).
Divide the cm by 100 For example, 1cm = 0.01m
A piece of paper typically measures around 0.1 millimeters thick.
A centicube is a cube measuring 1cm x 1cm x 1cm or 1cm3
The question cannot be answered because volume is a measure in 3-dimensional space and requires three measures. There are only two given in the question.
I'm not sure if this helps but in physics if I say that something is 1cm long it could be 0.1cm long or 1.9cm long. If I say that something is 1.00cm long or means I have a ruler that measures mm. So the amount of decimal places indicates the precision of the measurement. Hope this helps
How much space the liquid holds. For example, if something took up 1 cm x 1 cm x 1cm it would be 1ml of liquid.