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Q: What are example of what's my rule table and state the rule?
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What is an example of majority rule?

One example of majority rule is the democratic voting system. The candidate with the most votes gets the delegates in the state and wins the election.

Give a real example of real account?

example of real account?Rule for real a/c is debit whats come in and credit whats goes out..Example for real a/c.. sales,sales return, purchase return,purchase, goodwill, building, furniture, plant and machinery and asset of business concern..

A table organizing the input rule output of a function?

a table organizing the input rule output of a function

What is a table organizing of the important rule and output of a function called?

A table organizing to imput rule and output of a function

What is the rule in this table earned 15 saved 5?

The rule is 10

Whats Reno Nevada population?

1 lol jk i rule

What is an example of majority?

One example of majority rule is the democratic voting system. The candidate with the most votes gets the delegates in the state and wins the election.

How do you find a rule for a in-out table?

6 3

What does the mutation rule state?

The mutation rule states that the state of mutations are in a mutated state when compared to a normal state. This is a slight mutation from the original stated rule.

What is the rule for finding a number in the second row of the table if you know the corresponding number in the first row?

The rule for finding a number in the second row of the table is not provided in the question.

What is insertion rule?

The value enter into Datbase to create a table is called insetion. in the rule are apply is called insertion rule.