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Q: What are examples of coordinate headings A A B CB ii 2 BC 3 b iiiD A i a?
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No countries now are under an Oligarchy but in the past, Russia (BC) and Etruscans (BC).

When was Nineveh destroyed?

I think you're talking about the Biblical Ninevah rather than the one in New York (which was hit by a flood in June 2006, but it wasn't destroyed) as suggested by your topic headings. It was razed to the ground in 612 BC after being attacked by the Medes.

What are some examples of civilization?

The Ancient Egyptian Civilization; A civilization is not just a political region; it is also a form of government. Historians routinely see Roman Civilization consisting of three phases: the Roman Republic (509 BC - 27 BC), the Roman Empire (27 BC - 476 AD), and Byzantine Empire (395AD - 1204AD). The Ancient Egyptian Civilization is divided into the Old Kingdom (2700 - 2200BC), Middle Kingdom (2040 BC - 1640 BC), and the New Kingdom ( 1550 BC to 1070 BC).

When was silk found?

Silk fabric was first developed in ancient China, with some of the earliest examples found as early as 3500 BC.

When was the alphabet invented?

Examples of the earliest known alphabetic form of writing was found at Wadi el-Hol and dates to circa 1800 BC

What is the harappan art?

Many fine examples of Harappan art can be found on the stamp seals made by people of the Indus Valley Civilization, which lasted from 3300 BC to 1900 BC in South Asia. The seals were usually made of baked clay or steatite (soapstone). Other examples of Harappan art include stone and bronze statues and painted pottery. To see examples of Harappan seals, go to 'Indus Script Dictionary' on Facebook.

What are some examples of roman kings?

The Roman monarchy was Rome's first form of government It lasted for 244 years (753-509 BC) until it was replaced by the Roman Republic. According to the tradition there were seven kings of Rome: Romulus (753-717 BC) Numa Pompilius (725-673 BC) Tullus Hostilius (673-642 BC) Ancus Marcius (640-616 BC) Lucius Tarquinius Priscus (616-579 BC) Serivus Tullius (578-535 BC) and Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (535-509 BC). Historians doubt that there were actually onlt seven kings over a period of 244 years.

Describe two examples of migration in Africa?

The desertification of the Sahara caused migration around 2500 BC. • Between 100 BC and AD 1000, the Bantu or West African peoples like farmers and herders migrated to the south and the east.

What is BC' plus BC' simplified?

BC' + BC' = 2BC'

Who invented tile?

Tile has been in use in construction since the late stone age; the earlies examples known are in Greece, and date to about 4000 BC.

Who are some original colonists and what are their contrbutions?

it is bc bc bc bc bc

Suspected pharaoh that would not free the Jew?

* Amenemhat IV (1815 BC to 1806 BC) * Tutimaios (circa 1690 BC)- also known as Dudimose A Hyksos king (circa 1648 BC to 1540 BC) * Ahmose I (1550 BC to 1525 BC) * Thutmose I * Thutmose III (1479 BC to 1425 BC) * Amenhotep II (1427 BC to 1401 BC) * Amenhotep IV, also known as Akhenaten (1352 BC - 1336 BC) * Horemheb (circa 1319 BC to 1292 BC) * Ramesses I (circa 1292 BC to 1290 BC) * Ramesses II (1279 BC to 1213 BC) * Merneptah (1213 BC to 1203 BC) * Amenmesse (1203 BC to 1199 BC) * Setnakhte (1190 BC to 1186 BC