measuring cup
Football fields
You can measure anything in degrees Celsius that you can in Fahrenheit.
Width of A violin string
Your mass, your weight, intelligence, stupidity, speed, time, colour and many many other things.
no, not really some examples of measuring cups are things like 1/3,1/5,1/2 and things like that. you cant us a bucket as a measuring cup unless u measure how much water of whatever you are putting into it.
measuring cup
Football fields
You can measure anything in degrees Celsius that you can in Fahrenheit.
your toes your hair and your dignity
your toes your hair and your dignity
The mass of insects, paper clips.
The volume of just about anything.
Width of A violin string
To measure substances for recipes and cooking.It is use to measure the volume of liquid or solid ingredients, such as flour and sugar.
Examples: mile, cup, grain, stone, pound foot, yard, inch, ounce, pint, etc.