since 51 is a prime number, the only factors would be 1 and 51
In that range, only 100 has exactly 9 factors.
One hundred fifty. (not one hundred and fifty).
Fifty-one million in words is spelled out as "fifty-one million." The number 51,000,000 is read as "fifty-one million" in English.
one hundred fifty; 150
since 51 is a prime number, the only factors would be 1 and 51
In that range, only 100 has exactly 9 factors.
The factors of 53 are: 1, 53
59 is a prime number. Its factors are 1 and 59.
48 has ten factors.
one third of one hundred and fifty is fifty.
20 and 30.
2 and 7
Since 54 is a factor of 108, all of its factors are common.
factors of 59 are 1 and 59. That is, 59 is a prime number.
The common factors are: 1, 2, 5, 10.