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Q: What are facts about Dragon's Triangle?
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Is a book on facts about drangons nonfiction or fiction?

A book on facts about dragons would be considered fiction, as dragons are mythical creatures and not based in reality. Nonfiction books are based on real-world facts and information.

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An isosceles triangle has two equal sides

Are dragons courageous?

depends on a type of dragon. they r hiding because they r fearful of people. but the dragons circle (near the bemuted triangle) people dissaper there. i think dragons

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Purple dragons want to kill orion.

What are the five most loved animals in America?

the five most loved animals are unicorns, duck billed platypuses, dragons, leprechaun's and a triangle. However the animals that are kept as a pet the most are unicorns, duck billed platypuses, dragons, leprechauns and a triangle.

What are facts about regular triangles?

In a equilateral triangle (or regular triangle) the three sides have equal length.

Who theorized the triangle?

No one. A triangle is not a theory. The mathematics of a triangle are not theories they are facts. Some people that showed this to be so are Pythagoras and Euclid.

Facts about triangles?

the family group of the triangle is percussion.

What are What are facts about dragons?

1. Dragons can breathe fire that can reach over 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit2. The most well known breed of dragon is the Standard Western Dragon3. Komodo dragons aren't dragons, just really big lizards.4. dragon body parts were believed to give men magical powers. for example, it was believed that if you ate a dragon's tongue, you could speak to animals.5. dragons still do exist. we just have never been able to find them in their hiding spots. ;)good enough facts for you?

Is there such thing as red dragon tringle?

No, but there are the Koa'ki Meiru cards, they have 3 red dragons in the shape of a triangle on them.

What are facts about a triangle?

i dontr know do i look like the computer