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Q: What are facts about circumference?
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What facts are there about the area of a circle?

The derivative of a circles area is it's circumference.

What is the circumference of a loonie?

A circumference is 4

Is the radius one fourth of the circumference?

No. It is circumference/(2*pi)No. It is circumference/(2*pi)No. It is circumference/(2*pi)No. It is circumference/(2*pi)

What is the circumference of Betelgeuse?

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star, and as such, it does not have a defined circumference like a solid object. Its size is measured in terms of solar radii, with Betelgeuse being approximately 1,000 times larger than the Sun.

Why is circumference equal to 2 times Pi times r?

circumference=pi circumference=pi circumference=pi

What is the circumference of a circle with the radius of 43?

Circumference = 2pi*r Circumference = 86pi

What are at least eleven facts about the circle?

1. It has a radius. 2. It has a diameter. 3. It has a circumference. 4. It has an area. 5. It is two dimensional. 6. It lies in a plane. 7. It has no vertices. 8. It is a closed figure. 9. It has no volume. 10. It is delineated by a curved line. 11. The ratio of circumference to radius is pi.

What is the formula of a circumference?


What is the circumference of 7.8cm?

circumference = 24.5

Circumference in a sentence?

circumference of the tire.

If circle circumference is 12 what is the radius?

Circumference = 12Diameter = Circumference/piRadius = Diameter/2 = circumference/(2 pi) = 1.9099 (rounded)

Circumference circle of 8ft?

25.13 feet is the circumference. (diameter x pi = circumference).