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If you combine them carefully, you have nothing.

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Q: What are facts about positve and negative numbers?
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Is a positive and positive a negative?

it is a negative and positve ion sweg

How are integers and natural numbers different?

Integers are all positive and negative whole numbers, and natural numbers are all positve whole numbers including zero. So, natural numbers is a subset of integers.

Can you take away a negative number from positive number?

yes if u take a negative from a positve you will get a negative

What is the difference between positve and negative correlation?

Positive correlation has a positive slope and negative correlation has a negative slope.

Why is -1 X -1 equals plus 1?

Any time that a negative number is being multipled by another negative number, it equals a positive number. In this case, -1 multiplied by -1 equals 1. Another example of this is -5 multiplied by -5 which equals 25. Though if you multiply a negative by a positve, it equals a negative. If you were to multiply a positive by a positve, it will always equal a positve.

Why is that negative number multiplied by a positive number a negative number?

Because that is the rule. negative * negative=positve positive *negative=negative and vice versa

Is a neutron electrically neutral?

Yes it carries no positve or negative charge.

What is the product of -a and -b?

Negative times negative equals positve, so -a*-b=ab (positive ab)

A positive number minus a negative number is?

If negative value>positive value then result is -ve If positve value>negative value then result is +ve

What is an ionosphere and its function?

The ionosphere is a region of Earth's upper atmosphere that contains a high concentration of ions and free electrons. It plays a crucial role in the propagation of radio waves, reflecting them back to Earth and enabling long-distance communication. The ionosphere also helps protect Earth from harmful solar radiation by absorbing and scattering high-energy particles.

What are positive and negative slopes?

Positve slopes increase on the chart and negative decreases. Positive increase from 0 to the top right corner of the chart.

Is wienbridge oscillator use both positive and negative feed back?

it uses positve feed back