

Best Answer

1. It is water

2. There are living creatures in the water

3. it can turn to steam

4. it can turn to ice

5. we need water or we wouldn't survive

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Q: What are facts about the 5 oceans?
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What is the only state that touches 4 of 5 oceans?

What are facts about deep oceaans?

Facts: 1. Well, at the bottom of oceans it is very dark and has a high amount of salinty (salt). 2. Fish that live in the dark oceans produce their own light called bioluminescence. 3. Since the bottom of deep oceans are dark, there is very little life down there.

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They are made out of the 5 oceans. The 5 oceans are the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Antarctica.

What five oceans does the pacific ocean touch?

there only other 5 oceans there are...

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There are only 5 oceans, so all of them are deep.

How many oceans on earth'?

The oceans are: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic.

Wow many oceans are in the world?

there are 5 oceans in the world the Atlantic,Pacific,Indian,Arctic and the southern ocean

What are the names of the four oceans in North America?

5 oceans of the world. 1) Pacific. 2) Atlantic. 3) Indian. 4) Southern. 5) Arctic.

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What does the oceans plus the number of continents equal?

7 continents and 5 oceans = 12

Which oceans are in immediate contact with 3 other oceans?

In fact, all 5 oceans, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic Oceans are in immediate contact with each other.