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Q: What are facts about the years 1485 and 1750?
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Did laws change between 1485 and 1750?

it was just boring time

Give some famous events that took place 1485-1750?

the battle of Hayes happened

Give some famous events that took place between 1485-1750?

the battle of Hayes happened

How many years are there between 1485 and 1603?

118 needs to be added to make 1485 become 1603, but there are 117 years BETWEEN 1485 and 1603.

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See the Related Links.

What facts about Britain in 1750-1900?

THATS what im trying to find out !!!!

How many years is 2008 from 1750 BC?

There are 3,758 years from 1750 BC to 2008 AD.

How many years is 2017 from 1750 BC?

3767 years

How many years did Catherine of Aragon live for?

1485 to 1536 (50)

How did Britain change between the years 1750 and 1900?

The population grew from 11m in 1750 to 40m in 1900.

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1685 - 1750