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Q: What are facts and a fib about PEMDAS?
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Why recursive algorithm for Fibonacci series is inefficient?

Because the same calculations are done over and over again. Fib(n) - the nth. number in the sequence - is equal to fib(n-1) + fib(n-2). For example, fib(10) - the 10th. number in the sequence - is equal to fib(9) + fib(8). If you expand this, you get fib(8) + fib(7) + fib(7) + fib(6). If you expand again, you get fib(7) + fib(6) + fib(6) + fib(5) + fib(6) + fib(5) + fib(5) + fib(4). You can already see that some of the numbers have to be evaluated several times. In fact, the amount of calculations increases exponentially; whereas with a simple loop, to add numbers up to fib(n), this is not the case.

What is a sentence for fib?

Fib as a noun "he told a fib about eating his spinach" fib as verb "Fibbing is not acceptable, even if you don't call it lying"

Is fib an adjective?

No, it is not. The noun "fib" means a subjectively minor lie. The verb "to fib" means to tell a lie.

What is is a recursive formula?

A recursive formula is one that references itself. The famous example is the Fibonacci function: fib(n) := fib(n-1) + fib(n-2), with the terminating proviso that fib(0) = 0 and fib(1) = 1.

What is the meaning of fib?

"fib" is an English slang word for a 'small' lie

Do Fibonacci Series program in dot net?

public static int fib(int n) {return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);}

Which of these t bill pib tfc dsg fib are not a government debt instrument?


What is 1 fib about an ecosystem?

A fib about ecosystems.... Ecosystems are made of cheese......

What are the release dates for Maryoku Yummy - 2010 Fij Fij and the Fib Fib Now You're Cooking?

Maryoku Yummy - 2010 Fij Fij and the Fib Fib Now You're Cooking was released on: USA: 15 October 2010

What is a sentence with the word fib in a sentence?

Fib is basically an insignificant or a harmless lie , or u can say fibbing is milder form of lying . . . sentence : she fibbed about going early to bed last night when she actually did not she told a fib to everyone about being the topper in her school

How do we spell Pemdas?

The abbreviation "PEMDAS" stands for "Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction".

What are the rules of mathematical pemdas?

PEMDAS RULE IS parentheses,exponent,multiplication,division,addition,subtraction