it is a odd number
Fifteen thousand, fifteen hundred, and fifteen dollars can be written numerically as $15,515. This is because fifteen thousand is written as 15,000, fifteen hundred is written as 1,500, and fifteen is written as 15. When you add these numbers together, you get a total of 15,000 + 1,500 + 15 = 15,515.
fifteen and sixty-two thousandths
it is a odd number
See related question: 'What are 15 or more facts about fractions'
Sell your blood (plasma)
Based on latest facts published on update med journals such as Plasma doesnt use as Vaccine, it is a separate solution for cure
animal cells are closed by plasma membrane and animal cells don't have a cell wall
Plasma is a state of matter composed of ionized gas with high temperature and energy. It is electrically conductive, responds to electromagnetic fields, emits light, and lacks a fixed shape or volume. Plasma is commonly found in stars, lightning, and neon signs.
This is a homework question so I will not provide the answer. However I will give you the facts you need to work out the answer for yourself:- There are 100 centimeters in one meter.
Plasma Plasma Plasma Plasma
Fifteen feet is fifteen feet long.
Fifteen thousand, fifteen hundred, and fifteen dollars can be written numerically as $15,515. This is because fifteen thousand is written as 15,000, fifteen hundred is written as 1,500, and fifteen is written as 15. When you add these numbers together, you get a total of 15,000 + 1,500 + 15 = 15,515.
There are some different applications for plasma torches (or plasma arc or plasma gun) including plasma cutting, plasma spraying and plasma and waste disposal.