While true, pi to 5 significant digits is actually 3.1416!
The first eleven digits of pi are:3.141592653
Check out the Joy of Pi link, for the first 10000 digits.
There is 5 trillion digits of pi.
There are no last 14 digits in pi. The first 14 are 3.14159265358979.
In 1805 it was declared by Alex Norburtun that the first five digits of pi are 3.1415
3.1415, but it rounds to 3.1416
The fifth digit of pi is 5. The first 10 digits are 3.141592653
3.14159265358979323846 are the first 20 digits of pi.
The first eleven digits of pi are:3.141592653
3.14159265358979323846264338327 are the first 30 digits of pi.
The first 55 digits of pi after the decimal point are: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209
Check out the Joy of Pi link, for the first 10000 digits.
To 30 digits, pi equals 3.141592653589793238462643383279.
The value of Pi is 3.14159, but the first 10 digits are 3.141592658
there are 29 zeros in the first 200 digits of pi.