505.05 in word form is: five hundred five and five hundredths.
40.545 in word form is 'Forty point five four five'. NB NOT 'forty point five hundred and forty five'.
The noun 'five' is a concrete noun as a word for is a concrete noun as a word for a physical count of something (for example: The apples look good. I'll take five.)The noun 'five' is an abstract noun as a word for a count of something abstract (for example: We finished the project on day five.)
five hundred fifty-five
Twenty Five
The word "winter" consists of 6 graphemes (letters). Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in a language, and in the word "winter," there are 4 phonemes: /w/ /ɪ/ /n/ /t/. Each of these phonemes represents a distinct sound in the word when pronounced.
In "Those Winter Sundays," the line "the chronic angers of that house" can be seen as a metaphor for the tense, lingering emotions within the speaker's home. The word "chronic" implies long-standing, deep-rooted issues, suggesting that the atmosphere in the house is consistently filled with unresolved tension and anger.
Yes, "flower" is a word with five letters, so it is not considered a long O word. It has the O sound, but it is not a long O sound.
Metaphor. Metaphors are straight comparisons, whereas Similes use a comparing word. Did that make sense?
· lights · logs · long johns · luge
as strong as the wind
Five and four hundredths.
It is a simile because it uses the word "like." Metaphors do not use this word.
* broke * smoke * grown * shown