No sides are congruentNo angles are congruent>Insert 3 more characteristics
A pentagon has five sides and five angles, the only 2-D shape with these characteristics.
it depends on which type of jellyfish because some weigh 20 lb and some weigh 1 oz.
The Urban Dictionary lists five possible definitions, none of which are particularly polite, ranging from racial characteristics to defecation.
what are the characteristics of a tessellation
Jellyfish can only sting once they are adults.
they dont have bones
they both can kill
Yes, jellyfish can be identified based on their unique physical characteristics such as their gelatinous bell-shaped body, tentacles, and often transparent appearance.
five feet
Jellyfish, corals, and box jellies
no Yes, Jellyfish Have Twenty Five Eyes! == == == ==
Shark Tale
Some JellyFish have over 100 tentecals.Jellyfish can only sting you when they are at adulthoodAll jellyfish are raidal symmetrythe also have nematocyts (stinging cells) to help stun or kill their pery so that they can eat.
discribe five key characteristics of tourism
The families of Cnidaria Scyphozoa include Ulmaridae (jellyfish), Cyaneidae (lion's mane jellyfish), Pelagiidae (sea nettle jellyfish), and Rhizostomatidae (barrel jellyfish). Each family contains different species of jellyfish with unique characteristics.
Characteristics are things about something For example Mammals Characteristics : - Fur or Hair - Born alive - Hot blooded - Omnivore