

Best Answer
  1. nematocysts-stinging cells located inside the cnidoblast and is used for defense and feeding on prey.
  2. carnivores- passive drifters that eat dead or living prey
  3. made of 95% water
  4. Radial symmetry
  5. never stop growing!
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Q: What are five characteristics of a jellyfish?
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Related questions

What other unusual characteristics does a jellyfish have?

Jellyfish can only sting once they are adults.

What are the box jellyfish characteristics?

they dont have bones

What are the different types of Australian jellyfish?

There are several types of jellyfish found in Australian waters, including the box jellyfish, the Irukandji jellyfish, the bluebottle jellyfish, and the moon jellyfish. Each of these jellyfish species has unique characteristics and can pose a threat to humans.

What characteristics do jellyfish and haws have in common?

they both can kill

Can you identify jellyfish based on their unique physical characteristics?

Yes, jellyfish can be identified based on their unique physical characteristics such as their gelatinous bell-shaped body, tentacles, and often transparent appearance.

How big can a regular jellyfish get?

five feet

What are some special characteristics for cnidarians?

Jellyfish, corals, and box jellies

Do jellyfish have eyes?

no Yes, Jellyfish Have Twenty Five Eyes! == == == ==

What are the characteristics of a jellyfish and how do they contribute to its unique biology and behavior?

Jellyfish are gelatinous, umbrella-shaped creatures with tentacles. Their transparent bodies allow them to blend in with their surroundings, while their tentacles contain stinging cells for defense and capturing prey. These characteristics help jellyfish navigate their environment and survive in the ocean.

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the green jellyfish species?

The distinguishing characteristics of the green jellyfish species include its vibrant green coloration, translucent bell-shaped body, and long tentacles with stinging cells for capturing prey.

What are the different breeds of jellyfish found in the ocean?

Some common breeds of jellyfish found in the ocean include the moon jellyfish, lion's mane jellyfish, box jellyfish, and the Portuguese man o' war. Each breed has unique characteristics and can be found in different regions of the world.

Where did the jellyfish high five thing come from?

Shark Tale