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Q: What are five different predators?
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Who are the meerkats predators?

The primary predators for meerkats include martial eagles and jackals. When meerkats are in danger, they use different alarm calls for different predators.

Who is the walking sticks predators?

Stick bugs are not predators themselves, they eat different leaves and other vegetation. However, they are the prey to different species of birds.

Do bulldog ants have predators?

yes bulldogs can have different predators but some might not live around here

What job studies predators?

easy. there is no specific job for predators. an etiologist studies all different kinds of animals.

Is a earwig a minibeast?

Earwigs are insects that can be found on all five continents. 2000 different species are known as of today. Lizards, spiders and birds are among the predators that an earwig has to fear.

Why do grasshoppers have five eyes?

Many grasshoppers have five eyes as a defense mechanism. This allows them to see farther and wider, allowing them to evade predators.

How are predators and parasites different?

Predation is different from parasitism in that predators kill their prey before consumption. Parasites must keep their hosts alive in order to continually feed off of them.

Do amphibians have predators?

Indeed. Amphibians can be prey of many different sorts of predators like snakes, birds, even alligators.

What are Baboon predators?

The main predators of the baboon are lions and hyenas. There are a number of different types of leopards will also prey on baboons.

What are the top 5 top predators?

Africa is known for their predatory animals. The top five predators of Africa are the hyena, African leopard, African wild dog, cheetah, and the lion.

What are invertebrates that have two different body plans?

predators and worms

How are scavengers different from predators?

Scavengers feed on dead animals or plants, while predators hunt and kill live animals for food. Scavengers rely on already dead organisms for sustenance, while predators actively seek out and kill their prey. Additionally, scavengers play a role in decomposition and nutrient recycling in ecosystems, while predators help control populations of prey species.