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Here are 2 examples:

- hot airballoon

- hot air rising, and cold air falling.

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Q: What are five examples of convection?
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Examples of natural convection?

a Volcano

What are the 3 examples of convection?

Examples of convection include boiling water in a pot, hot air rising from a heater, and ocean currents driven by temperature differences.

Are winds examples of convection currents?

Yes, winds are examples of convection currents. The uneven heating of Earth's surface by the sun creates temperature variations that cause air to rise and fall, creating convection currents that result in winds.

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What is the idea of convection?

Hi! Basically convection is the transfer of thermal energy through fluids. Examples would be air and water.

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A banana is a non-example of radiation.

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Hot air rising from a heater, water boiling in a pot, and wind blowing over a surface are all examples of heat transfer by convection.

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What are some examples of convection?

Examples of convection include:hot air rising, cooling, and fallinga hot air balloonboiled water or boiling waterhot air popperan old fashioned radiator (creates a convection cell in a room by emitting warm air at the top and drawing in cool air at the bottom).steaming beverage

What are some examples of heat convection?

hot air rises where as cold air falls