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Q: What are five ways you use lasers in your life?
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What are ways people use lasers?

maybe to annoy people and play with cats and dogs

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Five ways to use a map is location, place

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What are some ways people use lasers?

People use lasers in various applications such as cutting and engraving materials, medical procedures like eye surgeries and tattoo removal, as well as in communication systems like fiber optics for data transmission. Lasers are also used in scientific research, military weaponry, and even in entertainment such as light shows and laser pointers.

Is francium used in radioactive lasers?

Francium has an extremely short half life of about 20 minutes so no it is not. Radioactive lasers do not use radioactive materials anyway.

Does the military use lasers?

yes they do happen to use lasers, though im not sure for what...

What lasers does Pretty Lights use?

He uses Lightwave RGB lasers

Which of the following is not a use for lasers?

Cooking food is not a common use for lasers. Lasers are typically used for cutting, welding, engraving, medical procedures, communication, and scientific research.

What kind of light does lasers use?

Lasers use coherent light, which means the light waves are all in sync and travel in the same direction. This is what allows lasers to be powerful and focused on a small area.

Do optical mice have lasers in them?

No optical mice do not have lasers in them, they use LED's (light emmiting diodes).

Does Angioplasty use lasers?

Lasers may be used to assist in the break up of the fat or calcium plaque

What is a use for a laser?

1. The computer either has a CDROM or DVD drive. Both use lasers to read discs. 2. The police use lasers in the speed cameras to detect how fast a person or car is going. 3. Dentists use lasers to remove tooth decay from teeth. 4. An eye-surgeon uses lasers so the detached retina can be welded back into place.