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Q: What are four categories into which the human value of natural species can be divided?
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What is the Difference between Human Genus and Human Species?

In Biology there are many categories for creatures to fit into. Each category has a name. The list goes in this order.. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Because the human genus (Homo) would be before the species, the species is more specific to what you are refering to.

What are 2 general categories that the study of science can be divided into?

The study of science can be broadly categorized into natural sciences, which focus on the physical world and its phenomena, and social sciences, which study human behavior and society. These two categories encompass a wide range of disciplines such as biology, physics, sociology, and psychology.

Why dodo disappeared?

Invasive species and human hunters, as well as its natural predators.

What categories do economists use to classify economic resources?

Economic resources are classified into two categories. These are natural resources (land), and human-made resources which (capital, enterprise and labor.)

Why do most species in the world go extinct?

Notincluding human intervention. Natural selection.

How can a loss of habitat cause a species to go extinct?

Human activities and natural disasters

What are the sciences related to ecology?

Normally there are no sciences that are related to science. But there are divisions in science . Science is divided in to many categories . science is mainly divided in to two categories they are physical science and natural science.

What is a trans-species jump?

it is when a virus changes its natural host to a new host. ex. from an animal to a human.

Is a western garder snake an invading spieces?

No ! The human race is the invading species - into the snakes natural habitat !

What are effects of human on the earth?

Humans have significantly altered the planet through activities such as deforestation, pollution, climate change, and habitat destruction. These activities have led to biodiversity loss, water and air pollution, and global warming, impacting ecosystems and natural resources. Addressing these impacts is crucial for the long-term health and sustainability of the Earth.