A product is the answer of a multiplication equation. A sum is the answer of an addition equation.
in addition the answer is sum but i forgot what is it for multiplacation?
1+4=5 2+3=5 3+2=5 4+1=5 5+0=5
add, and, sum, tack on, plus
Sum is addition.
When the sum of the numbers is ten or greater.
The components of the question in an addition sum are called "addends".
When the sum of any individual column is 10 or greater.
A sum is the answer to addition
The sum is the answer in an addition problem.
You may be referring the the word sum, which is the addition of a set of numbers
According to the Addition Theorem, 1+4=1+(22)=5=5.0=5.00=5.000 etc.
The answer to an addition problem is called the sum.