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Q: What are four negative consequences for companies that fail to distinguish between development and support?
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What are four negative consequences for companies that fail to recognize the need to distinguish between development and support?

Developers missed deadlines because they were diverted to technical support calls, leaving little time for their primary job of programming. Information was not being collected, so developers had to discover the same solution repeatedly. Recurring problems were neither identified nor resolved. Finally, technology users who expected quick and accurate solutions to their problems and requests were extremely dissatisfied when their demands were not met

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Peer pressure can sometimes have positive consequences by encouraging individuals to engage in healthy behaviors, make responsible choices, and strive for personal growth. In some situations, peer pressure can motivate people to step outside their comfort zones and try new experiences that are beneficial for personal development. However, it's important to distinguish between positive and negative peer pressure and ensure that the influence is constructive rather than harmful.

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Positive consequences of deviance can include challenging societal norms and prompting social change. Negative consequences can involve ostracism, legal repercussions, and a breakdown of social order.

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The negative consequences are that the natural world become reduced. The positive consequences are that the technological advances become increased.

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It can have negative legal consequences. However, consuming alcohol in moderation has never been proven to have negative health consequences for teenagers.

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Some of the negative consequences of the Roman Policy of bread and circuses is that it kept a large gap between the rich and the poor. The other negative consequences is that it stifled ambition because people did not need to work for their bread.

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