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4 sides are equal

Diagonals are equal and Perp Bisectors

Angles are right

Consecutive and diagonal angles add up to 180.

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Q: What are four properties of a square?
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What are properties of a square?

A square is a polygon with four equal length sides and four 90 degree angles.

Does a square have four 90 degrees angles and four congruent sides?

Yes as well as other properties.

Which set of properties describes a square?

It has four sides of equal length and the corner angles are all equal.

What are the properties of a square?

they have four sides and they are right-angles , also they are all equal sides

What similar properties do a rectangle and a square have?

parallel sides, four right angles, quadrilateral

What properties does a square have?

A four-sided form in which all sides are equal and all angles are equal.

What is a diamante poem about quadrilaterals?

Quadrilaterals Four sides, four corners Rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus, square Shapes with unique properties.

Why does a square is a rectangle?

A square fulfills all the properties of a rectangle: four sides; opposite sides are parallel; all angles are right angles.

Why is aquare also a rectangle?

A rectangle is defined as a four sided figure with four right angles. Does any of that definition not meet with the definition of a square? No. A square is just a rectangle with all four sides equal length. ■

How many properties does a square have?

In mathematical terms, once you know the length of one side of a square, you can deduce everything else about it, such as its perimeter or its area. All squares are exactly the same shape, they all have four sides of equal length, and four right angles internally. Mathematicians do not count the properties of a square, that is not such a well defined concept. You could stay that the corners of a square are pointy, so pointiness is a property. You could say that the square is a boring shape, or a useful shape, or lots of other things which could be taken as properties of a square.

What are the properties of square roots?

the properties of a square root is half square ... not sure... -__-

Properties of a square?

Four sided figure. All sides are the same length. All angles are equal. Four right angles. Both diagonals are equal.