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Multiply the numerator (top) by any non-zero number and the denominator (bottom) by the same number. You will have an equivalent fraction.

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Q: What are fractions equivalent to five eights?
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What is 2 equivalent fractions for five eights?

10/16 or 20/32

What are four equivalent fractions for five eights?

50/80, 25/40, 10/16, 491105/785768

What is 10 and five eights divided by 12 and three sevens in fractions?

10 and five eights divided by 12 and three sevens in fractions = 0.8333333333333334

What are two fractions equivalent to six eights?

Two fractions equivalent to 6/8th is 3/4 or 12/16.

What are 2 equivalent fractions for 7 eighths?

2 equivalent fractions for 7 eights = 14/16, 21/24

What are two equivalent fractions for six eights?

3/4 and 594/792 are.

Are five eighths equivalent to six ninths?

No five eights are not equivalent to six ninths.

What are all the equivalent fractions of three fourths?

There are an infinite number of equivalent fractions for three fourths. Some of them are six eights, 12/16, and 300/400.

What are equivalent fractions for three eights?

6/16, 9/24, 12/32

What is the equivalent fraction to five eights?


How many sixteenths are equivalent to five eights?

Ten of them.

What are the two equivalent fractions for five tenths?

two equivalent fractions for five tenths = 10/20, 15/30