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Example : 6/5 Where 6 is on top and 5 on the bottom. 5/5 is = to 1

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Q: What are fractions more than one?
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A whole number greater than one than with more than two fractions?

If one assumes that by fractions you actually mean factors - which is not the same thing - then It could be 4, with factors 1, 2 and 4.

How do you do Egyptian fractions?

its just using fractions but not more than once to make other fractions

How do fractions help us follow recipes?

if you wanted to make more than one of your recipe fractions will help you find out how much total of that one thing you will need

Are all fractions are less than one?

No, improper fractions (ex: 3/2) are greater than one.

How fractions started?

Fractions start with pie. People discovered that if you have one pie, and you have more than one person who wishes to eat pie, it becomes necessary to divide the pie into fractions. Four people can each have a quarter of a pie, for example.

When do people use fractions?

People use fractions when there is slightly more or less than a whole

What fractions whose value is greater than or equal to 1 called?

Fractions that are greater than one are known as improper or 'top-heavy' fractions as the numerator is greater than the denominator.

Can you find fractions greater than 1?

All improper fractions, like 22/7, are greater than one.

Why are repeating decimals changed to fractions?

There are times when working with fractions is more convenient than working with decimals.

How do you write fraction from least to greastestlike3over4?

In order to write fractions from least to greatest you need more than one fraction!

Are proper fractions less than one?


What are all the fractions that are lower than 59ths?

There are infinitely many of them. In fact, if you pick the lowest fraction that you can think of, there are infinitely more fractions that are smaller than that!