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Q: What are good sources of unbiased data?
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What are the functions of a statistician?

To collect and collate data from unbiased sources in order to predict future trends.

What are some sources of data?

some sources of data are information

What are two sources of data?

Simple, Primary and Secondary Data

Which of the sources of data is not based on primary data collection?

national sample survey

What is the difference between primary and secondary sources of reading and primary and secondary sources of data?

I've never heard of primary vs. secondary sources ofreading, but I can provide an answer on primary vs. secondary sources of data.A secondary source of data is data that was collected for a reason other than the task at hand. A good example is US Census data. Marketers might use census data as input into decisions. An example of application of this data is as follows. Suppose you want to distribute your product in the 5 most populated cities in the US. You could find this info from census data, and go about distributing your product in those 5 cities.A primary source of data is data that is collected specifically for the task at hand, often via a market research study. For example, if you wanted to know what features of your product are most valued to buyers, you would design a market research study (i.e. questionnaire) to find that out. At the end of your study, you'd have the data to answer your question.---Note that there is quite a trade in used data. There's nothing wrong in this, provided all the relevant information about things like the purpose and reliability and possible sources of distortion of the old data are taken into account.

Related questions

What are the functions of a statistician?

To collect and collate data from unbiased sources in order to predict future trends.

What are biased and unbiased sources?

Biased sources are those that aren't fair to all sides. Unbiased sources just present the facts, without informing the reader how to think about those facts. Unbiased sources may not tell the whole story or may misrepresent facts. Unbiased sources should provide the information only, without persuasion.

How do you search for relevant data sources?

To search for relevant data sources, you can start by using search engines, online databases, government websites, and research repositories. You can also consider reaching out to subject matter experts or joining relevant forums and communities to get recommendations for credible data sources. Additionally, libraries and academic institutions are good resources for finding data sources for research purposes.

What is good science?


Which statement about bias in social studies sources is true A) most social studies sources are unbiased b)bias most often found in primary sources c) bias often found in secondary sources d) most social studies sources contain some bias?

Apex: Most social studies sources contain bias

Why is external criticism so important when it comes to analyzing data?

External criticism ensures that the data analysis is thorough and unbiased by bringing in perspectives and insights from outside sources. It helps to validate the findings and conclusions of the analysis by identifying potential errors or limitations in the data. This type of criticism enhances the rigor and reliability of the data analysis process.

What are some sources of data?

some sources of data are information

Why do scientists define systems?

it minimizes sources of bias in the data

What are good sources for ideas for developing hazard controls?

After-action reviews (AARs)Accident data

What are two sources of data?

Simple, Primary and Secondary Data

What does 'You must leave emotions out of scientific data gathering' mean?

it mean you should be unbiased with the data and do not let your emotion try to color the facts

What is an inherent problem in using secondary sources of data is?

An inherent problem in using secondary sources of data is that the data may have been skewed or manipulated a bit. Primary sources of data are always more reliable than secondary sources.