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Imaginary numbers are a mathematical concept, first defined to handle the square root of negative numbers. At first, many mathematicians did not think very kindly of them, until Euler's formula in the 1700's, then later applications in electricity and wave analysis were recognized.

Complex numbers are numbers on a plane, for which special which special operations are defined. Complex numbers have a real part, and an imaginary part.

There are several practical applications; for example, electrical engineers use complex numbers for circuit calculations with AC. There are other applications, too; for example, in art (creating interesting patterns, called fractals - based on calculations with complex numbers). Quantum mechanics routinely uses complex numbers.

The Wikipedia article on complex numbers gives a good overview.

The Picomonster website has some cool animations which show complex and imaginary numbers 'in action', so to speak.

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Q: What are imaginary numbers and how are they used in real life situations?
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The real numbers together with the imaginary numbers form a sort of vector. What these complex numbers (complex means the combination of real and imaginary numbers) represent depends on the specific situation. Just as there are situations where it doesn't make sense to use negative numbers, or fractional numbers, in many common situations it doesn't make sense to use complex numbers. In an electrical circuit (specifically, AC), the real numbers might represent resistance, while the imaginary number represent reactance - and voltages and currents are also represented by complex numbers, with the angle of the complex number representing how much one quantity is ahead or behind another quantity (the "phase angle"). In quantum mechanics, the complex numbers might not represent anything (perhaps they don't, I am not sure...), but they are useful for calculations.

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No. None are because the opposite of a real number is an imaginary number. In real numbers there are rational, irrational, counting, whole numbers, and integers.

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They aren't imaginary.