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Dependent variable is the variable that can be measured. However, the independent variable is the variable that changes in the two groups.

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Q: What are independent and dependent variables in science?
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Independent and dependent are types of what?

Independent and dependent are types of variables. These variables are used mostly in science and math. When using independent variables you can control them dependent variables you cannot.

What are the variables in a science project?

Dependent, Independent and Controlled

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What does dependent mean in science?

You may be asking about dependent variables, as in a lab activity. There are also independent variables. The independent variable is the thing that is controlled or kept monitored by the scientist. The dependent variable is what occurs or changes as a result of the independent variable.

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Examples of independent and dependent variables in science?

Independent and dependent variables are the variables that change during the course of an experiment. An example might be an experiment on how temperature affects plant growth. Changing the temperature is the independent variable, while the level of plant growth that results is the dependent variable.

What is dependent variables in science?

Science Answer: The Dependent Variable is the Variable that changes automatically during the experiment when the Independent Variable is changed by somebody. :D

What is variables in science investigatory project?

controlled variable, dependent variable and independent variable

What are the four variables in a science experiment?

The control, the constant, the independent variable, and the dependent variable.

How do the independent and dependent variables in an experiment compare?

the independent variable controls the dependent variables

What is the differecnce between independent variables and dependent variables?

Every time the independent variables change, the dependent variables change.Dependent variables cannot change if the independent variables didn't change.