

What are ladders used for?

Updated: 9/29/2022
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14y ago

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Ladders are used typically for reaching high distances. When one is not tall enough for such height, the ladder is strategically placed as to ensure the safety and the well being of the reacher. Normally, the ladder will be placed at a 90 degree angle, thus forming a right triangle. Henceforth, ladders are very important in everyday life...unless you are the jolly green giant...who does not need them. Ladders have also been compared to stairs or steps (one could imagine this being where the word 'step-ladder' derived from). Step-ladders are aproximately smaller then regular ladders and usually used to reach things on high shelves or on top of fridge/ovens or to reach cookie jars by five year olds. Ladders can be used to put up Christmas tree stars, Christmas lights, and oversized satellite dishes on the roof of your house. You may purchase a ladder or step-ladder at your local Lowes or Home Depot or department stores.

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Alloys of aluminum are used for making ladders because they are lightweight, strong, and corrosion-resistant. This makes them ideal for applications where a portable, durable, and low-maintenance material is needed, such as in the construction of ladders.

Are loft ladders different then a standard ladder?

Yes loft ladders are different than standard ladders. A standard ladder is removable from its place, to be used from one area to the next. Where a loft ladder normally folds into the ceiling and unfolds to give you access to an attic.

What element in the periodic table is used for ladders?

Aluminum, which is element number 13 with the symbol Al, is a good choice for making ladders with since it is a metal that is both light and strong.

What a ladder use for?

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