lines go infinitely in both directions of the line
line segments are just a part of the lines
rays start at one point and go off into the other direction infinitely
Rays aren't really lines, since (Euclidean) lines extend infinitely in all directions, so they can't be parallel lines. But that's to fret a bit too much over the wording. Yes, rays, just like lines and line segments, can be parallel to other rays, lines, or line segments.
it dont have similarity
Plotting points. Graphing lines, line segments, rays, etc.
no because lines have arows on each end rays dont
The three differ in their extent. Lines are infinite in both directions. Line segments are finite: they have two well defined end-points. Rays are finite in one direction, infinite in the other: it has one end-point and stretches to infinity in the other direction.
Rays aren't really lines, since (Euclidean) lines extend infinitely in all directions, so they can't be parallel lines. But that's to fret a bit too much over the wording. Yes, rays, just like lines and line segments, can be parallel to other rays, lines, or line segments.
No. A regular pentagon has no perpendicular line segments
All polygons are.
a polygon
it dont have similarity
Plotting points. Graphing lines, line segments, rays, etc.
Parallel lines--will never touch Perpendicular lines--cross at right angles Rays--lines that start at a point and extend into infinity Line segment--a line between two points Line--a line that runs forever in either direction
Geometry teaches points, lines, rays, chords and segments.
the travel in straight lines because of the atomsphe
In math terms:A ray is a line with one endpoint, never ending.-------->A line is like a ray, but with no endpoints.
no because lines have arows on each end rays dont