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Q: What are math Chinese inventions?
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Related questions

How did the Chinese inventions helped life?

The Chinese inventions have helped in various ways in life. Some of the technologies we enjoy are as a result of the Chinese inventions. Chinese inventions are applicable in most areas of our lives.

Did Nikola Tesla have something to do with math?

Math plays an important part in all Tesla's inventions but his inventions fall into the electricity inventions category.

How do you learn Chinese maths?

First, you need to learn chinese. Then, hopefully, when you are studying chinese, you will learn chinese math.

What are two Chinese inventions that we have all used at one time or another?

There are many Chinese inventions that we have all used at one time or another. Two Chinese inventions that we have all used at one time or another includes paper and the compass.

Why did Einstein invent math inventions?

Albert Einstein did not invent any mathematical inventions.

Simple math inventions?

The number 0.

What are 5 important Chinese inventions?




Why did Archimedes invent all of the inventions he did?

i think Archimedes's invented his inventions cause they deal with math

What inventions did the Sumerians make?

okay so the sumerians made these inventions: writing math (which i do not approve of) and a catapult

What Ancient Chinese Invention?

Ancient China inventions

What are Chinese major inventions?

Some major Chinese inventions include:PaperPrintingGunpowderCompassCurrencyBlast FurnaceModern CalendarCast IronCrossbowFootball (soccer)FireworksFlamethrowerIron PlowKiteLand MineMultistage RocketNegative NumbersPorcelainSeismometerStirrupSuspension BridgeTeaTofuToilet Paper