It is the multiplicative identity of numbers in most sets.
It can also mean the "most important" element or member.
A prime number is a positive integer with two factors: one and the number itself.
An irrational number is one that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
It means one hundred and thirty one. There is no hidden meaning.
The quotient is the answer in a division problem.
An even number really has no meaning
it means a number out of the whole number which is one hundred
Yes, it is a prime number - meaning it can only be divided by one, and itself
If you're meaning how you spell that number it's ten point one.
A prime number is a positive integer with two factors: one and the number itself.
An irrational number is one that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
A positive integer with only two factors: one and the number itself.
It means one hundred and thirty one. There is no hidden meaning.
There are a number of acronym finders that one can use online to find the meaning of 'JOA'. For instance, one suggested meaning for JAO is Jewish Autonomous Oblast.
"PRIYANK" is the combination of Priya(Sanskrit meaning- loved one)+Ank(Sanskrit meaning - number and lap). So clearly it cannot be a "loved number", thus it means the loved one who's always seated in the lap.
One thousand
The quotient is the answer in a division problem.
第一 /dai i chi/ is the most common thing that comes to mind, meaning 'number one, first one, etc'.