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body having or compose of segments.

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Q: What are meristic measurements?
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What is the significance of morphometric and meristic measurements in fishes?

Morphometric measurements in fishes provide quantitative data on the physical proportions and shape of different body parts, which can be used to characterize species, study growth patterns, and identify evolutionary relationships. Meristic measurements involve counting the number of specific features, such as fin rays or scales, which can also aid in species identification and population studies. Together, these measurements help scientists better understand the biology, ecology, and evolution of fish species.

What has the author Armin Lindquist written?

Armin Lindquist has written: 'Meristic and morphometric characters, year-classes and races of the sprat (Sprattus sprattus)' -- subject(s): Marine fishes, Classification, Sprat 'Meristic and morphometric characters' -- subject(s): Fish populations, Sprat

How many kinds of Variation in evolution?

Germinal & Somatic Continuous & Discontinuous Determinate & Indeterminate Substantive Meristic Polymorphic Geographic Cryptic g Genetic & NON Genetic

Enumerate the different kinds of variation?

Variations are of following types:- 1.Somatic and Germinal Variations. 2.Continuous and Discontinuous Variations. 3.Determinate and Indeterminate Variations. 4.Meristic and Substantive Variations. 5.Other Variations.

If careful and accurate scientific measurements disagree with the measurements predicted by a theory then what?

The measurements are inaccuarate.

What are the measurements of the chameleon head?

the measurements are 3 in.

What is ZENDAYAs measurements?

Answer this question… What is ZENDAYAs measurements?

What are Deborah Shelton measurements?

Her measurements are perfect

Why do you need standard measurements?

We need standard measurements because it helps us to find the measurements of things.

How are a teaspoon a fluid ounce and a pint different?

They are liquid measurements of different magnitude.They are liquid measurements of different magnitude.They are liquid measurements of different magnitude.They are liquid measurements of different magnitude.

What are kimberly perry's measurements?

what are Kimberly perry measurements

What is fd in measurements?

I can find no "fd" in official measurements