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Q: What are microscopic spheres of 60 atoms of pure carbon in a sphere like structure that resembles a geodesic dome?
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Which three types of solids do not have faces or edges?


How many spheres are in a pyramid?

A Pyramid is a shape called a pyramid, there are no spheres in a triangulare shape.

Sphere Garden?

form_title= Sphere Garden form_header= Decorate your garden with spheres. How many spheres do you want?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} What color spheres would you like?*= _ [50] Do you want the spheres delivered?*= () Yes () No

What is is a counterexample for all balls are spheres?

American footballs and Rugby balls are both considered 'balls' but neither are spheres.

Are triangles and hexagons the only shapes one can use to make a geodesic sphere?

Geodesic basically means transferring a straight line to a curved space. It means that, somewhere in the sphere, there should be a straight line that goes around it, curved.So, yeah, triangles are the only shapes that create those 'arches'.Every opening in a (standard) geodesic dome building is a triangular opening, surrounded by 3 struts.If you tried to use any shape other than a triangle (a square, pentagon, or hexagon), in a geodesic dome building, such an opening would be mechanically unstable.One can find many hexagons and a few pentagons in a (standard) geodesic dome building -- but there are no hexagonal holes or pentagonal holes.All the pentagons have 5 struts inside dividing them up into 5 triangles.(the center of these pentagons is the only place 5 struts come together to a point).All the hexagons have 6 struts inside dividing them up into 6 triangles.In a few geodesic dome buildings, one can find a few squares -- but likewise, all the squares have 1 or 4 struts inside dividing them up into triangles.The "C60 Bucky ball", named for R. Buckminster Fuller, is a truncated icosahedron (as mimicked by the common soccer ball) and has 32 faces with twelve pentagons and 20 hexagons.All fullerene molecules, including C60 and carbon nanofibers, have exactly 12 pentagonal openings and many hexagonal openings, but no triangular openings.(Such shapes are highly stable -- the forces between the carbon atoms in a fullerene act differently than the forces between mechanical struts in a building).Other geodesic spheres, polyhedrons, of various faces are also possible but the triangular face is the type most commonly used in construction due to the inherent strength of the triangle.

Related questions

What are microscopic spheres of 60 atoms of pure carbon in a spherelike structure that resembles a geodosic dome?

Those are known as buckminsterfullerene or buckyballs, which are a type of fullerene molecule. They consist of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a hollow sphere resembling a geodesic dome, with a structure resembling the geodesic dome designed by architect Buckminster Fuller, hence the name. Buckyballs have unique properties and are a subject of scientific research for various applications.

Who uses geodesic domes?

Geodesic domes are used by individuals, communities, and organizations for various purposes such as greenhouses, event spaces, disaster relief shelters, and even homes. They are valued for their strength, energy efficiency, and unique design.

What special geometric forms were used to make the geodesic domes?

The polyhedron, upon which most geodesic domes are based, is the icosahedron. The icosahedron has 20 equilateral triangle faces. By subdividing the icosahedron face into smaller triangles, then "pushing" the triangle vertices outward (to the surface of a circumscribing sphere,) a more-complex triangulated polyhedron can be produced -- a "geodesic" sphere, or dome. By subdividing the icosahedron face into greater-and-greater numbers of smaller-and-smaller triangles, more complex geodesic spheres/domes are produced.

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Opals get their color from the diffraction of light as it passes through microscopic silica spheres within the stone. These spheres diffract light into a spectrum of colors known as play-of-color, giving opals their distinctive iridescence.

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Tourmaline opal belongs to the silicate class of minerals, specifically in the sub-group known as the cyclosilicates. It is characterized by its unique crystal structure and vibrant play-of-color caused by microscopic silica spheres within the stone.

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Edward Popko has written: 'Squatter settlements and housing policy' -- subject(s): Housing policy, Squatter settlements 'Divide spheres' -- subject(s): MATHEMATICS / Applied, MATHEMATICS / Recreations & Games, Spherical projection, Polyhedra, MATHEMATICS / Geometry / General, Geodesic domes

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Where is a prism sphere in Pokemon Platinum?

A Prism Sphere can be found in the Underground tunnels in Pokemon Platinum. It is simply dug up in the walls of the tunnels using the explorer kit obtained in Eterna City. The sphere is clear and shaped like a prism, and it is harder to find than the red, blue and green spheres. It is thought to be symbolic of the Pokemon Diamond version since it resembles the structure on Dialga's neck.

Why are the spheres representing nitrogen and oxygen different colors?

The colors of the spheres representing nitrogen and oxygen are different to help visually distinguish between the two elements. In this way, it is easier for viewers to identify each element in a molecule or chemical structure represented in a diagram or model.

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Stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere . :)