A millimetre is a unit of distance. A square metre is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.
To start with this conversion, you have to know how many millimeters are in a meter-1000. Then, since the units are square millimeters, you have to square the conversion: 1 m2 = (1000mm)2 = 1000000mm2 Finally, use the following to find your answer:(2000000mm2) * (1m2/1000000mm2) = (2mm2 * m2)/(mm2) = 2m2
M2 means second degree misdemeanor.
1 cent = 40468 m2
2.5 acres = 10,120 m2
3.0E-6 m2
156 square millimeters is 0.000156 square meters.
600 millimeters by 600 millimeters is equal to 0.36 square meters.
To start with this conversion, you have to know how many millimeters are in a meter-1000. Then, since the units are square millimeters, you have to square the conversion: 1 m2 = (1000mm)2 = 1000000mm2 Finally, use the following to find your answer:(2000000mm2) * (1m2/1000000mm2) = (2mm2 * m2)/(mm2) = 2m2
180 meters x 133 millimeters = 23.94 m2
1 millimeter of rainfall = 1 liter of rainfall per 1 square meter which is 1 mm of rainfall = 1 liter applied to 1 m2 which is 1mm = 1L/m2 for example Rainfall recorded = 250mm City area = 100,000m2 Volume of rainfall in the city = 250 x 100,000 = 25,000,000 liters
About 7.419615 m2
1 ha = 10.000 m2
40cm2 into m2
0.08216 m2
The GCF of m2, m3, and m4 is m2.