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Mirror image twins are identical and have mirror image differences but are genetically identical which means they have the same DNA.

A set of mirror-image twins will have similarities like a mole. One twin would have it on his left arm while the other would have it on his right. Another common feature is one twin being left handed, while the other is right handed. For male twins, the swirl of hair crown is often in the opposite direction.

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Can fraternal twins also be mirror twins?

Mirror Twins are always monozygote twins. This does not mean that fraternal twins won't be a righty and a lefty - if your family tends to run left handed.

What is the difference between fraternal twins and twins?

Ferternal twins don't look alike, but twins do

What is the odds of twins children having twins?

The fact that twins run in families is actually a myth. The odds of twins having twins is the same as a non-twin having twins. That is about 1 in 33.

What is the incidence of infertility with identical twins?

Most people will answer this by explaining that the twins will run the same risk are normal adults. However, if the twins are monozygotic they may also be "mirror-twins", in which one twin would have an increased chance of displaying situs inversus, a condition where the organs are flipped (mirrored to other twin). This in and of itself isn't harmful, but the origins of situs inversus are believed to be in the earliest stages of development, arising from cilia that move clockwise instead of counter-clockwise, thus moving the cells that will form organs to the wrong side. Going back to questions of infertility, it is known that this wrong-turning cilia cannot play a normal roll in some biologic functions, including driving the bending movement required for sperm (cilia structures of the tail) to be motile. In this way, male infertility (sterility) could theoretically be affecting at a higher incidence in man mirror twins with situs inversus.

What is another name for fraternal twins?

Another name for fraternal twins is dizygotic twins.

Related questions

Can fraternal twins also be mirror twins?

Mirror Twins are always monozygote twins. This does not mean that fraternal twins won't be a righty and a lefty - if your family tends to run left handed.

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Do mirror twins have opposite parts of the body?

Mirror twins are identical twins who are mirror image of each other. This means that they have opposite features on one side of the body compared to the other, such as opposite dominant hands or hair whorls. However, they do not have opposite parts of the body; their overall anatomy is still the same.

Are kagamine rin and len twins or a couple?

Actually, Len and Rin are "Mirror Images" of each other. Its because of their last name "Kagamine" from the word "Kagami" which means mirror.

What is a mirror image?

If you are mirror image twins it means that you are also identical twins. Mirror image twins are created when the fertilised egg splits quite late (around days 9-12), any later and twins can be co-joined.Mirror image twins have small mirror image differences but are actually genetically identical; this means you have the exact same DNA!Some parts of the body are commonly mirrored; mirroring of appendix or heart or other internal organs is rare. We have some examples of our own mirroring:We are opposite handed (Tash is left-handed and I am right)We tend to have mirror image dental problemsPeople often have two different size feet; with us the opposite foot is largerWe look very similar to each other but the resemblance is even stronger if we stand facing each other (as though in a mirror) rather than side by side. Or get both of us facing into a mirror and things start to look very confusing.Our finger prints don't seem to conform to being mirror image - instead they are nearly identical (only one pair of fingers has any major difference)However enviromentally things can make an overall change to the behaviour of mirror image twins however not much will likely change genetically.Thank You Twins Realm for the Supporting Information above.

Is it possible for fraternal twins to also be mirror images twins also meanind one is right handed and the other is left handed?

Let's ask Ringo, it's in his category! =D

Can a sonogram produce a mirror image of a baby to where it looks like twins?

of course not! A mirror image would have to have one image of the baby and the second image precisely behind it- and you know that cannot happen in a real uterus! One single image of a baby cannot mirror a second one to the side of it as in fraternal or identical twins. Look in a mirror and move your arms. Does not the arm move preciely in the reflection the same way you are moving it? it may look like two arms to you but its one!!

How many different kid of twins are there?

There are two main types of twins: identical (monozygotic) twins, who form from a single fertilized egg that splits into two embryos, and fraternal (dizygotic) twins, who develop from two separate eggs that are fertilized by two separate sperm. There are also rarer types of twins, such as mirror-image twins and conjoined twins.

Are rin and len lovers?

Rin and Len are not lovers, they are twins/mirror images of one. In a lot of Fanfiction stories, they are lovers though (^^)

What are the poetic devices in Henry S. Leigh's poem the twins?

Henry S. Leigh's poem "The Twins" uses poetic devices such as rhyme, alliteration, and personification. The rhyme scheme is AABBCC, with a sing-song rhythm that adds to the whimsical tone of the poem. Alliteration is used throughout, such as in the line "Twins that are one by parent plan." Personification is evident in the portrayal of the twins as mirror images of each other, almost like two halves of the same whole.

Symbolism of twins in Gothic literature?

Twins in Gothic literature often symbolize duality and mirror each other's virtues or vices. They can represent the internal conflict or the balance between good and evil within a character. Twins may also signify the idea of a fractured self or the presence of a dark secret that one twin holds over the other.

Why do some twins hate each other than being jealous?

Twins don't really hate each other they just hate the fact that they don't feel unique by having a person looking just like them and people don't see pass that. Some twins actually like that they look alike because they like to confuse people in sort of a little "mirror game". In the end twins are normal siblings that have there rivalries now and then but actually love each other.