

Best Answer

You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny are two examples.

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Q: What are negative coments?
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Who has coments?

Probly lots of people have coments well I know i do a lot of coments that I tell my friends haha

What do coments orbit around?

The sun

Do Hjalmar always get it right?

No coments....!

How can you delete coments from rate my teacher?

You can't

Who made a list of coments in the 1700s?


How do you get TF2 for Free?

You know that you are a pirate and a thief for that, but if you wish you can get it for free on www, (this game needs steam to install, run and play, one game for one acount, and all coments are negative.

How long do kids go to school in Ecuador?

no more nasty coments

How do you give the Mythbusters coments?

You can e-mail Adam

who has roblox tell me your user name in the coments?

mine is gooldfich

What do you think of Nifflers?


What is the Warsaw radio mast for?

to vist and work at and make riodia coments

What forms of feedback are there?

Peronal coments, Telephone mesages, email, snail mail ,