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Q: What are ninety percent of stars made up of?
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Ninety six percent of the human body is made up of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. These elements are essential for life and play key roles in various biological processes in the body.

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Ninety-nine percent of all facts are either exaggerated or made up, including this one.You have been assigned to tent number ninety-nine.Will customer ninety-nine please approach the customer service desk.

What is most carpet made from?

Over ninety percent of all of the carpet made today is made up of synthetic fiber. The rest is natural fiber, most commonly wool.

Is antarctica just made up of ice or anything else?

Antarctica is a continent made up of the same materials that make up all continents. Ninety-eight percent of the continent, however, is covered with an ice sheet.

How big is Suriname's wilderness as expressed in percent?

More than ninety percent (90%) of Suriname is considered a wilderness.Specifically, about ninety percent of the population lives along the northern, developed coastal areas. The coastal plain makes up about ten percent of the country's total area. In contrast, the vast majority of Suriname is made up by a dense, lush rain forest that ranks among the least known and explored areas of the tropics.

Are stars made up of plasma?

Yes. Stars are made of plasma.

About 90 percent of the stars in space are stars?

About 90 percent of the stars in space are main sequence stars. These stars, like our sun, are in the middle of their life cycle, where they are fusing hydrogen into helium in their cores. Other types of stars, like white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes, make up the remaining 10 percent.

What compound makes up about ninety percent of all known compounds?

You think probable to the element carbon.

Stars are made up of?

Stars are mostly composed of hydrogen and helium.

What layer of the atmosphere contains ninety percent of earths water vapor?

The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere that contains about ninety percent of Earth's water vapor. This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere where weather events occur, and it extends from the Earth's surface up to an average height of about 11 miles.

What is the sun and many other stars made of?

the sun is made up of many gases that spontanious combust together creating flares. the stars are made by an exposion of another. so in a nutshell stars are pretty nuch made up of "stardust".