recurring numbers are numbers that repeat forever like 3.3333333333...etc
non-recurring numbers either terminate like 22, or 7.5 OR they go on forever but totally randomly like pi- 3.1415...etc
They can be. For example, 3/11 = 0.272727... recurring forever.
Some can. For example, 1/3 = 0.3333.... recurring.
Not only non-terminating, but also non-repeating. 0.333... recurring is non-terminating but it is rational. In fact, most rational numbers are non-terminating decimals.
A real number is a rational number that is not imaginary. 5, 3/4, and 8.6 are all real numbers. 3i is not a real number.
No. Recurring decimals are rational numbers.
All irrational numbers are non-recurring. If a number is recurring, it is rational. Examples of irrational numbers include the square root of 2, most square roots, most cubic roots, most 4th. roots, etc., pi, e, and most calculations involving irrational numbers.
They can be. For example, 3/11 = 0.272727... recurring forever.
Non terminating means not ending. In the context of decimal numbers it could be recurring or non-recurring. In the first case the number would be rational and in the second, irrational.
The decimal representation in infinite, non-recurring.
Some can. For example, 1/3 = 0.3333.... recurring.
Not only non-terminating, but also non-repeating. 0.333... recurring is non-terminating but it is rational. In fact, most rational numbers are non-terminating decimals.
A real number is a rational number that is not imaginary. 5, 3/4, and 8.6 are all real numbers. 3i is not a real number.
No. Recurring decimals are rational numbers.
Terminating. Non-terminating but recurring. Non-terminating and non-recurring.
If there are no recurring numbers than the answer would be no mode, or 0.
A recurring decimal is a rational number, a non-recurring one may be rational (for example 0.2 = 1/5) or irrational.