3 and 31
The HCF of both numbers is 1
These are all the whole numbers that go into 527 evenly: 1, 17, 31, 527.
1, 13, 31 and 403.
31 and 5
1, 31
1 and 31.
3 and 31
7 and 31
The HCF of both numbers is 1
'31' is a prime number. So the only two numbers that divide (go into) 31 are '1' & '31'.
7 and 9 are two numbers that go into 63.
3 and 31
These are all the whole numbers that go into 527 evenly: 1, 17, 31, 527.
1, 2, 31, 62.
1, 13, 31 and 403.
31 and 5