The numerator is the name given to the top part of a fraction; the denominator is the bottom part of a fraction.
They are called denominators and numerators!
The larger fraction is the one with the smaller denominator, when the numerators are the same.
You can compare the denominators.If the numerators are the same, the fraction with the bigger denominator has the smaller value.You can compare the denominators.If the numerators are the same, the fraction with the bigger denominator has the smaller value.You can compare the denominators.If the numerators are the same, the fraction with the bigger denominator has the smaller value.You can compare the denominators.If the numerators are the same, the fraction with the bigger denominator has the smaller value.
If the denominators are the same, subtract the numerators. If the denominators are different, convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and subtract the numerators.
They are called denominators and numerators!
The fractions can be ordered according to the order of their numerators.
you have to multiply numerators and denominators because whatever you do to the bottom you have to do to the top
The relationship between the factors and the product is that they are both fractions.
You first add the numerators then take the denominator to the bottom of the sum of the numerators.
The larger fraction is the one with the smaller denominator, when the numerators are the same.
You pretty much already answered your own question: the numerators of the factors are the factors of the numerator of the produce while the dividends of the factors are the factors of the dividend.
When the numerators are the same, the fraction with the lower demomenator is the bigger fraction.
3/40 and 5/24
If the denominator is the same, you just add the numerators - just as with plain numbers.
Numerators are whole numbers. SO the answer is 0, -1, and so on : depending on what you consider to be "close to".