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commodity money

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Q: What are objects called that have value in and of themselves as well as value as a means of exchange?
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Objects that have value in themselves as well as their value by means of exchange are called?

Fiat money

What is the difference between representative money and commodity money?

A) Commodity money consists of objects used as money that contains their own value, but representative money is a specific group of the commodity objects. B) Commodity money consists of objects that have value in and of themselves, but representative money makes use of objects because the holder can exchange them for something else of value. C) Representative money allows objects to be exchanged for something else, but commodity money has value because the government decreed it is an acceptable means to pay debts. D) Representative money consists of objects that have value in and of themselves, but commodity money makes use of objects because the holder can exchange them for something else of value The answer is B.

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It means that they are EMO

Tribe cheyenne in their language what it means to them?

They called themselves Tsitsistas, "the people".

Why is table appointments called table appointments?

that only means the objects w/the table

What does ils s'appellent mean in french?

"Ils s'appellent" in French means "they are called" or "they call themselves."

How did the wintu tribe get theri name?

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What does standardized exchange value mean?

to exchange something

What will happen when two uncharged objects?

When two uncharged objects come into contact, there will be no exchange of electrons between them, so they will remain uncharged after contact. The lack of charge means there will be no electric force between them, and they will not repel or attract each other due to electrostatic interactions.

Why is a periscope called a periscope?

The periscope for its purpose is to look around the objects. In greek , 'peri' means around and 'scopus' means to look . hence the name.

What is fraudulent exchange?

First you should know the meaning of fraudulent. The term fraudulent comes from fraud, so it means fraud. Exchange means give and take.. Fraudulent exchange means fraud exchange of good and services among parties.

When two objects are at thermal epuilibrium they?

When two objects are in thermal equilibrium, they are at the same temperature and there is no net heat flow between them. This means that the rate of energy transfer from one object to the other is equal in both directions, resulting in a stable temperature for both objects.