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Q: What are observable measurable verifiable and reliable performance statements that we will accept as proof that a student has reached the intended goal(s) of a lesson.?
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What is the adjective for verify?


What is a synonym for the word fact?

verifiable truth, reality, actuality, authenticity, certainty, gospel truth, law, verity

What are some arguments to why God is not real?

Atheism does not mean "100% certainty that God does not exist, with no willingness to question and no room for doubt. For the overwhelming majority of people who call themselves atheists, this is not what "atheism" means. For most atheists, "atheism" means something along the lines of "being reasonably certain that there are no gods," or, "having reached the provisional conclusion, based on the evidence we've seen and the arguments we've considered, that there are no gods."No, we can't be 100% certain that there are no gods. We can't be 100% certain that there are no unicorns, or Santas or tooth fairies either. But we're certain enough.AnswerTo date, there is simply no measurable, testable, scientifically verifiable evidence for the existence of a god. It's as simple as that.

How do you do graphs?

There are various types of graphs. You need to be more specific. Graphs exist for thousands of subjects, and each one is different. But, basically, you need to gather all verifiable information on the subject in question before you begin.

How many products claim to be number one?

Many, many products claim to be number one, preferred, best, most loved, most powerful, most popular, etc. The ability of companies to advertise products this way has been tested in courts in the United States and elsewhere. When the statement is a matter of opinion, personal taste, or judgement, a certain amount of hyperbole is accepted. When the statement makes a very specific, verifiable claim about a product ("#1 selling truck four years in a row" or "proven to cure diabetes permanently") that statement must be defensible. Sometimes the statement that a product is number one will have an explanation or limitation presented when the statement is made ("#1 selling fuel efficient car*" might have "*of all American four-door four-cylinder gasoline engine cars in 2008" elsewhere on the page).

Related questions

As an EMT what type of statements can be measured and verified?

Objective information is measurable or verifiable.

What does objective criteria mean?

Objective criteria refers to measurable standards or factors that are impartial and easily verifiable. These criteria are not influenced by personal opinions or biases, and are used to evaluate effectiveness, performance, or quality in an unbiased manner.

What is the difference between an objective statement and a non objective statement?

An objective statement is based on facts and observable phenomena, while a non-objective statement is influenced by personal opinions, biases, or emotions. Objective statements are verifiable and rooted in evidence, whereas non-objective statements often reflect subjective viewpoints or interpretations.

What do scientists mean by verifiable observations?

statements that a person can, in principle, verify for himself or herself

What is the difference between an objective statement and a nonobjective statement?

The lack of observable evidence

What is AJ Ayer's key argument against ethical objectivism?

Ayer argues that ethical statements are not verifiable or falsifiable in the same way that empirical statements are, as they are not grounded in observable facts. Therefore, he concludes that ethical judgments are simply expressions of personal preference or emotion rather than objective truths.

According to the logical positivists the utterance God exists is?

considered meaningless because it is not verifiable through empirical evidence. Logical positivists believed that meaningful statements must either be directly verifiable through sense experience or be reducible to statements that are verifiable through sense experience. Since the existence of God cannot be empirically verified, they deemed it as meaningless.

What are literal qualities?

Literal qualities refer to characteristics that are actual, explicit, and undeniable. They are facts or aspects that are directly observable or verifiable, as opposed to being interpreted subjectively or metaphorically.

What is positivist?

Positivism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes observable, measurable phenomena and rejects speculation about unobservable entities or metaphysical concepts. It is grounded in the belief that knowledge should be based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning. Positivism is commonly associated with the scientific method and the idea that only verifiable facts can be considered true.

What is verifiable and non verifiable objectives?

verifiable objective is a a kind of objective which is quantitative,while non-verifiable is qualitative.

What makes science different from other disciplines of inquiry like religion and philosophy?

Science relies on empirical evidence and systematic observation to understand the natural world, while religion relies on faith and spiritual beliefs, and philosophy involves critical thinking and reasoning to explore fundamental questions about existence and knowledge. Science aims to test hypotheses through experimentation and verification, while religion and philosophy often rely on personal experiences or abstract reasoning.

What is an example of positivism?

Positivism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes observable facts and verifiable data as the basis for knowledge. An example of positivism is the use of scientific experiments to test hypotheses and draw conclusions based on empirical evidence.