

What are other names for Enterobiasis?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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Enterobiasis is also called seatworm infection or oxyuriasis

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Q: What are other names for Enterobiasis?
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How long does Enterobiasis last?

Enterobiasis usually lasts one to two months

What causes Enterobiasis?

Enterobius vermicularis

What is Enterobiasis also called?

Pinworm infection

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How is Enterobiasis spread?

The disease is transmitted by ingesting the eggs of the pinworm

How common is Enterobiasis?

Worldwide, approximately 200 million people are infected

What is Enterobiasis?

It is an intestinal infection caused by the parasitic roundworm called Enterobius vermicularis

What is the symptom of Enterobiasis?

The most common symptom of this irritating, but not particularly dangerous, disease is itching around the anal area

Who does Enterobiasis affect?

It is most common among children ages 5-14 and particularly affects those in the daycare setting

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