Applying systematic polygon names, a 75-sided regular polygon would be called a heptacontakaipentagon.
A square is a regular four-sided polygon.
A 6 sided hexagon polygon can be regular or irregular.
It is a regular 12 sided dodecagon polygon
A 7-sided polygons (a heptagon) can be regular or irregular.
square because it has 4 sides
Using systematic polygon names, the name of a 36-sided regular polygon would be a tricontakaihexagon.
Applying systematic polygon names, a 58-sided regular polygon would be called a pentacontakaioctagon.
Applying systematic polygon names, a 75-sided regular polygon would be called a heptacontakaipentagon.
Expressed using systematic polygon names, an 83-sided regular polygon would be called an octacontakaitrigon.
Applying systematic polygon names, a fifty-three sided regular polygon would be called a pentacontakaitrigon.
Using systematic polygon names, a 57-sided regular polygon would be called a pentacontakaiheptagon.
Eight sided figures: Octagon, regular polygon (8 sided)
A square is a regular four-sided polygon.
A square is a regular 4 sided quadrilateral or polygon.
A Square is a recognised 2-dimensional shape in its own right. However, , it can be thought of as a special 'parallelogram' or a specia; 'rhombus'.
A five-sided polygon is called a pentagon. A regular five-sided polygon is simply called a regular pentagon