An algebraic expression or equation may be separated by a plus or minus sign, and it can consist of terms that are numbers or products of numbers and variables.
Unfortunately, the browser used by Answers.com for posting questions is incapable of accepting mathematical symbols. This means that we cannot see the mathematically critical parts of the question. As a result, what you have in the question is not an equation but simply two integers separated by a space.
When you separate the characters in the equation, you see one and seven separated by an X. You can solve the equation by multiplying -- the function of X -- one times seven: the answer is seven.
Sounds like a logrythm
The two parts of a separated cell are known as daughter cells, each containing a complete set of genetic material from the parent cell.
they are called terms.
An interrupted stripe is called a "disrupted stripe."
It is an expression because an equation is two equal expressions separated by an equality sign.
If I remember correctly, they are called terms.
Those are the "terms" of the expression.
It comes from the latin word insectum, which means 'in parts.' This refers to how the body parts are separated and look like they have been chiseled out.
An algebraic expression or equation may be separated by a plus or minus sign, and it can consist of terms that are numbers or products of numbers and variables.
Unfortunately, the browser used by Answers.com for posting questions is incapable of accepting mathematical symbols. This means that we cannot see the mathematically critical parts of the question. As a result, what you have in the question is not an equation but simply two integers separated by a space.
yes it can
You may be thinking of East Antarctica and West Antarctica, separated by the Trans-antarctic Mountain Range.