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Q: What are people that box called?
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Why is a box called box?

It is called the voice box or the larynx, I would say larynx is its more official scientific name. And people just called it the voice box to make it easier to remember, I am guessing.

Name of the box which contains arrows?

A box that people wear to hold arrows to shoot with a bow is called a quiver.

What do jellyfish box do?

they sting worse than other jellyfishes also they are called box jellyfishes ?

What is a theater box called?

A theater box is also known as a loge. They act as a sort of enclosed private balcony for a small number of people.

What is a box to carry a hat in called?

Its called a hat box

What is the mummy box called?

A mummy box is called a sarcophagus.

How do you get front seat in WWE?

the front seats is called the press box where famous people seat or people who got those tickets

What is the answer to proffessor layton and the diabolical box?

If you are talking about the last puzzle called the diabolical box then you turn the people so they are facing each other, then blow in the microphone.

What is in the box?

anything can be in the mystery box. that is why it is called the mystery box

How does a match box work?

it has some powder called heroin on the box it has some powder called heroin on the box

What is Name of the box worn on head by males?

The box is called a Tefila and together with the box on the arm are called a set of Tefillin. In English they are called phylacteries.

Each box on the worksheet grid is called a tab?

This is a false statement. Each box on a worksheet grid is called a cell.