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Q: What are positive and negative affects of silver?
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The negative affects are nausea, vomiting and hair loss. The positive affects such as chemo therapy, which decreases or stops the cancer cells.

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it affects the environment because there might still be animals on the farm

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Negative affects on skin

Is copper positive or negative?

In speaker connectors, the copper-colored connector is usually positive, and the silver-colored connector is negative.

Is silver nitrate a positive ion or negative ion?

Silver nitrate (AgNO3) contains a positive silver ion (Ag+) and a negative nitrate ion (NO3-). Silver ion is positively charged because it has lost one electron, while the nitrate ion is negatively charged due to its structure.

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Depress is bad it can cause people emotional problems

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Negative means the absence of a certain antigen in the blood stream, and positive is the opposite. It affects which blood you can have donated to you.

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What are Positive and negative affects of sexual reproductions?

Positive - increased variation in a species Negative - energetically costly, must find sexual mates, need more complex reproductive systems