

What are positive and negative aspects of cloning humans?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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14y ago

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A well-known negative aspect is that it is basically necessary to kill one human (by taking out the genetic material from a fertilized egg) to make a clone of another. However, this only applies to current technology; and it is conceivable that other methods are found.

A long-term concern is the risk of reducing genetic variety - it is precisely because of the advantage of maintaining genetic variety that sexual reproduction is so successful (most species use it).

I believe those disadvantage far outweigh any perceived advantage; but perhaps someone else can give you more information about the positive aspects.

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Q: What are positive and negative aspects of cloning humans?
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Is there a moral issue to cloning a human being?

Yes. Many are against the idea of cloning, both human and animal. In the case of humans is undermines the child's individuality, stealing away what makes everyone an individual. Cloned children may feel depressed, knowing that someone else has already played their life out for them. The idea of cloning humans almost makes humans seem like objects. No longer are humans individual and created from love, but rather from scientists knowing exactly what they will look like and perhaps even act. The rich can get highly intelligent, model babies, pure objects of wealth. Human cloning could also cause separation in families. A child he or she is not from the same genetics as its family members could cause social problems, similar to what some adopted children feel. Human cloning also treads on many religious beliefs. For example, many Christians feel that scientists cloning human is a bit too much like playing God. Humans were meant to be imperfect, but could cloning bring about a perfect human? Many feel animal cloning to be a violation of animal rights. Animal cloning undermines natures intent and could cause an upset in the diversity of each species. Animals will become customized tools, rather than individual, living creatures.

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Water hydrates your body helps you focus... and keeps you alive.. you need it.. it's one of the most essential things on Earth for humans, negative effects would be.. if you drink too much your blood will get diluted and that isn't too good for you... also you could drown in it.. Water is colourless, odourless and tasteless.. but we need it to survive

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For humans, approximately 0.52For humans, approximately 0.52For humans, approximately 0.52For humans, approximately 0.52

How is gravity negative?

Well, if you drop something made of glass or china from a height, gravity pulls it down an dit is likely to brake. It also makes travelling up hill tricky and makes objects heavy to carry. And lastlly, it stops humans flying ;)

Are earthworms harmful to humans?

earthworms are not harmful to humans theyare just pink and slimmyNo. Worms that are harmful to humans are roundworms, flatworms and hookworms.

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