A caliper is a tool used to measure distances (small ones typically). It is not a unit of measure. Your question is like asking how many feet are in tape measure or how many pounds are in a scale.
quarts are a measure of volume whereas pounds are a measure of weight. The measure different things and are connected by the density of the substance. To convert pounds to quarts requires the density of the substance, then: quarts = 286 pounds ÷ density with density in quarts per pound.
The units kilometres (length) and pounds (weight) are not convertible. You cannot convert weight into length or vice-versa. You cannot measure pounds with a tape measure as much as you cannot measure kilometres with a weighing device.
Pounds are used to measure the mass of a bowling ball in the US, although the mass of an object that size is usually measured in kilograms in other countries.Pounds (US)
Spring scales can measure grams, newtons, or pounds.
Pounds are also used to measure mass, so =145 pounds
A scale or a balance would be used to measure weight in pounds.
A set of scales, these measure a persons weight in Stones and Pounds and/or Kilos.
A set of scales, these measure a persons weight in Stones and Pounds and/or Kilos.
The unit used to measure the mass of the body is kilograms (kg).
Pounds are part of the American measurement system. Pounds, used to measure weight, are referred to kilograms in Mexico.
Carat is used appropriately to measure the weight of gemstones, as pounds, tons or kilos are used to measure the weight of mass.
You can use a scale to measure how many pounds of honey you extracted.
mL is a unit used to measure volume and lb is used to measure mass; you cannot convert from from pounds to milliliters.
The conversion factor is 0.0625 - So: ounces x 0.0625 = pounds.