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age structure

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Q: What are proportions of a population that are at different ages called?
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What is the reasons of the population pyramid are very important to government?

Population Pyramids are useful to the Government because they show how the population is growing or decreasing at different ages of human life

Continuation of Middle Ages during the Elizabethan age?

No or it wouldn't be called "Elizabethan" it would have been called the middle ages. Two different time periods.

Why is the medieval period also called the Middle Ages?

The middle ages is called the middle ages because its in the middle of two different time periods, or periods of time, in which things were a certain way for a that period of time.

What are Guides and Brownies called in England?

In the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales), the organization is called Girlguiding UK and members of the organization are called Girl Guides. As for the different age groups, they are: Senior Section ages 14 to 25 Guide ages 10 to 14 Brownies ages 7 to 10 Rainbows ages 5 to 7

Would society be different if the black death never happened in the middle ages?

Without question. The population now would probably be in the 10 billion range due to exponential growth in population.

Is the follow sentence true or false Population growth depends in part on how many people of different ages make up a given population?

No that is the demographics of the population. Population growth happens when the rate of people dying (at whatever age) is exceeded by the birth rate.

What is the population of Pennsylvania for ages 0-4?

The population of Pa. for ages o to 4 years old is 729,538. This is expected to increase year to year.

A population pyramid is created by?

graphing the distribution of ages in a population at a specific time

What are the different ages in history?

ancient age, medieval age and modern age are the different ages.

Why are that all fish are not the some sizes?

Because most fish species live longer than a year. Therefore, in a healthy fish population fish of different ages and different sizes coexist.

What is noble called in medieval ages?

medieval ages

How was life different from a town in the middle ages from life on a manor?

life was different in middle ages since it was the middles ages and in manor well, it was the manor!